KREETURS, 2015-16
Cast Lead Crystal, Jesmonite
The Kreeturs start the move from my usual relief casting, towards a more three dimensional shape - being the first pieces where the spiral forms are a positive form, rather than a negative shape. (though looking through the polished surface, the spirals can seem to do the opposite). I'm fascinated by how this hard, repetitive geometry manages to allude to the natural world.
KREETURS, 2015-16
Cast Lead Crystal, Jesmonite
The Kreeturs start the move from my usual relief casting, towards a more three dimensional shape - being the first pieces where the spiral forms are a positive form, rather than a negative shape. (though looking through the polished surface, the spirals can seem to do the opposite). I'm fascinated by how this hard, repetitive geometry manages to allude to the natural world.
KREETURS, 2015-16
Cast Lead Crystal, Jesmonite
The Kreeturs start the move from my usual relief casting, towards a more three dimensional shape - being the first pieces where the spiral forms are a positive form, rather than a negative shape. (though looking through the polished surface, the spirals can seem to do the opposite). I'm fascinated by how this hard, repetitive geometry manages to allude to the natural world.
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Simon Bruntnell, 2016